The types of data you really don’t want stolen in a hack

The types of data you really don’t want stolen in a hack

  • About a year after Equifax’s monster security breach that compromised 147 million people’s data, more news came out about exactly how damaging the hack was for those involved.
  • According to Jason Glassberg, co-founder of Casaba Security, your Social Security number is probably the worst thing to get compromised, and it was the most affected part of the Equifax breach.
  • It’s very difficult to get a new Social Security number, though it is possible.
  • According to the Social Security Administration, it “may assign a new Social Security number to you if you are being harassed, abused, or are in grave danger when using the original number, or if you can prove that someone has stolen your number and is using it.”

    Yahoo! Money – Ethan Wolff-Mann | January 6, 2020