Encryption is fundamentally flawed and once hackers get to know any vulnerability or bug in the whole data travel journey—apps, mobile operating system, public Wi-Fi, Cloud and the physical data centres—your personal and sensitive information is always at their mercy.
The Telegram team had to leave Russia due to local IT regulations and has tried a number of locations as its base, including Berlin, London and Singapore.
Signal does not own its own data centres. The company is entirely Cloud based, which puts data at risk as cyber-attacks on Cloud-based services have increased in the recent past.
Another big worry is that the present-day situation increasingly refers to a massive policy vacuum that exists in India in the context of protection of privacy and data.
As of today, India does not have a dedicated law on privacy or on cybersecurity. Further, it still does not have a legal framework in place for protecting all kinds of data. The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 is pending consideration before the Joint Parliamentary Committee.