Data Breach Hits 30 Million Texan Drivers

Data Breach Hits 30 Million Texan Drivers

  • Vertafore claimed in a notification this week that, due to human error, three files were stored in an unsecured third-party service which was subsequently accessed without authorization.
  • The firm was unable to say exactly when this happened — only that it occurred at some point between March 11 and August 1. Having detected the incident in mid-August, it’s unclear why it then took the firm three months to notify those affected.
  • “The files, which included driver information for licenses issued before February 2019, contained Texas driver license numbers, as well as names, dates of birth, addresses and vehicle registration histories…”
  • The firm said in its FAQs that “we are not aware of any way this information could be used to commit fraud.

– Phil Muncaster | November 13, 2020